6 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Chapatis Every Day


6 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Chapatis Every Day


Chapati or roti is a part of conventional Indian meal and almost every Indian eats it daily. The flatbread is often cherished for its fibre content content along with its impressive nutritional profile. But despite being a healthy food, consuming chapatis in excess can cause some unwanted side effects. So make sure you eat this wholesome food in moderation.


Chapati or wheat is rich in gluten and overconsumption of rotis can trigger celiac disease in people, especially gluten-sensitive ones.


Excess eating of rotis can rapidly spike your blood sugar levels which can lead to health problems like diabetes.


Eating too many chapatis can cause constipation, gas, and bloating in some individuals.


Roti or wheat is an excellent source of carbs but consuming chapatis mindlessly can result in weight and fat gain.


Chapatis are not thyroid-friendly and they might elevate issues for people suffering from thyroid.


Too much consumption of wheat can cause and contribute to fatty liver diseases. Be sure you consume rotis mindfully.


You don't need to remove wheat completely from your diet but you can consume it more mindfully along with incorporating other alternatives like quinoa, jowar, bajra, and more in your diet.


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