7 Things You Must Do In The Morning To Reduce Cholesterol
7 Things You Must Do In The Morning To Reduce Cholesterol
High cholesterol can be bad news for your health as it is known to lead to heart disease as well as other health issues. So, if you are trying to reduce cholesterol, here are seven things you must do early morning.
It is very important to exercise for at least thirty minutes daily on a regular basis to reduce cholesterol. Moderate to intense physical activities help in lowering cholesterol.
Lemon water which is filled with vitamin C lowers cholesterol through the production of bile and hence, it is the best way to reduce cholesterol levels.
One should avoid intake of fast food and sugary drinks, especially early in the morning, since they are filled with bad fats.
Green Tea is filled with antioxidants and is known to reduce LDL cholesterol. So, it is advisable to drink it early in the morning.
One should consume a high-fibre breakfast which is filled with whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
It is important to add food filled with omega-3 fatty acids to our breakfast as it can decrease LDL cholesterol levels.
One should opt for yoga and meditation to reduce stress which helps reduce cholesterol levels.
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