Although you are probably already aware of the majority of edible leaves, we have listed the healthiest leaves that you should consume right away.
Mint leaves are renowned for being a fantastic appetiser. By increasing digestive enzymes, it aids in the promotion of the digestive system and covers bad breath.
Parsley has a long history of usage in traditional and herbal medicine in addition to its culinary uses. The plant may have anti-inflammatory qualities and has been used as a herbal abortifacient and to relieve menstruation pain.
When fenugreek leaves are eaten twice a day, the body's waste is flushed out and the intestines are cleaned.
Lettuce has fibre that aids with weight loss and digestion. It encourages sound sleep and assists in calming the nervous system.
The eye-improving substance lutein is found in spinach. It aids in blood pressure regulation and bone health promotion.
Curry leaves aren't the same as curry powder, despite the fact that they're frequently added to this well-known spice blend and frequently used in cooking to flavour foods like curries, rice dishes, and dals. The potent plant chemicals they contain give them a wealth of health advantages in addition to being a diverse culinary herb.