The crisp, spicy patties known as "Banana Kofta" are created from raw, unripe green bananas or plantains. To prepare these scrumptious kofta, all you need is some plantains, some Indian spices, herbs, and a binding flour.
400 grams plantain or 3 medium to large raw unripe bananas 1.5 cups water 10 cashews ½ inch ginger 1 green chili ½ to 1 teaspoon freshly crushed black pepper ½ teaspoon cumin powder 1 teaspoon mint leaves 2 tablespoon arrowroot flour 2 tablespoons peanut oil Rock salt, to taste
First, give the plantains a few thorough rinses in water. Now in a pressure cooker, place the unripe bananas or plantains.
Put 1.5 cups of water in. The plantains can alternatively be cut in half before being added to the cooker.
Cook the bananas in a pressure cooker over medium heat for three whistles, or until completely soft.
Wait until the cooker's pressure has naturally decreased before opening the lid. Peel and add them in a dish.
Now Mash them with a potato masher. Then add all of the other ingredients, except oil. Mix very well.
take equal portions from the mixture and shape them into patties.
On a flat pan or skillet, warm the peanut oil. Place the koftas in the oil once it is heated.