Tips To Prevent Constipation In Daily Life


Tips To Prevent Constipation In Daily Life


In our day to day activities we consume unhealthy food and over eating results in constipation. High fat diet, stress, inadequate fluid intake there are many reasons for constipation. Here are ways of how you can manage and prevent constipation.


Fibre rich foods like vegetables, fruits, lentils are a great source to increase fibre intake. It promotes bulk in stool, maintaining regularity.


For regular bowel movements, Fluid intake is must! Water is super important for gut to be happy.


Reduce Junk food, avoid as much as you can. The fatty food increases indigestion and increases constipation.


You can eat probiotics food such as curd, chaas which improves digestion and promotes a healthy gut. It refreshes and helps in release toxins.


To maintain fitness and healthy lifestyle exercise is a must! Walking, jogging or day to day activities can help you regulate the weight and digestion.


Coffee is a great source for prevent constipation. Contains small soluble fibre which improves gut Heath and clears the stomach.


Kiwi is a great fruit rich in fibre. Eating kiwi increases fibre in diet resulting in better stools and improves gut health.


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